
Wise man is proud of his action.~賢者は過程に誇りをもつ~

Where is happiness?
A person who loves pleasure thinks happiness is in emotion.A person who loves honor thinks happiness is in others’ action.And a person who realizes the truth thinks happiness is in his action.
This is one of my favorite words. I remember this is a word of Aurelius, an emperor of the Roman Empire.
Today, I would like to introduce another favorite word.
“I am proud of myself who always try to do what I can, and always prepare to that.”
I remember this is a word of a major leaguer Ichiro.
As one of ways to get out of ignorance after the success, I think it is effective to be proud of the process to the success, not to be proud of the success itself.
Imagine there is a home run batter who hits dozens of home runs a year.
But the time will come when his power will get down and he won’t be able to hit home runs so many any more.
At that occasion, if he is a person who is proud of himself as No.1 home run batter in Japan, he might feel miserable about his current situation. He might not be able to take action to the next step. He might say proudly “I was a great player before.” But if he is a person who says proudly “I set a daily target, and made my best efforts and challenged to achieve this target every day”, when he gets to be not able to hit home runs any more, I think he can take action to the next step successfully.

Thanks for reading!!

to  幸福はどこにあるのだろうか?









